Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can be a gradual process, such that you may not even be aware of it at first. Your friends and family may in fact notice before you do. However, a loss of hearing may also be a sudden process, perhaps due to injury.

Hearing loss may be caused by:
Listening to very loud music for long periods of time
Increase in age alters the structure of the inner ear, leading to deafness.

The symptoms of hearing loss include:
Muffled hearing
Difficulty in understanding what people are saying
Listening to the television or radio at higher volume than in the past
Individual avoids conversation
Ringing, roaring, hissing, or buzzing in the ear

Hearing loss can affect what and how much you do in the workplace and at home and can also affect your personal safety. Talk to your pharmacist or doctor today as to how they can help you with your condition.